Holmes Hole Sailing Association
115 Main Street
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
508 878 9061
2024 Season Race Circular
Entries: All entries are made by returning $100.00 dues for the season plus an entry form if you
are a new member. You will not be scored unless dues are paid. Please remit by June 1st so the
scratch sheet can be finalized for the first race. Alternatively, you may pay your 2024 HHSA dues and enter the 2024 Moffett race with one payment of $140 for a savings of $10.
Crew and friends are encouraged to join as Associate Members with a dues of $15.00. (A guest need not pay dues and may race for one day). You can now pay your dues online and update your address, email and boat information by going to the link on the Holmeshole.org website or go directly to http://www.regattanetwork.com/membermgmt/HHSA/membership_registration_start.php
Race Dates: Please note race dates are not every weekend but are all on Sunday or Thursday for the
Thursday evening races.
2024 RACE SCHEDULE Fleet will race as one division.
DATE Warning Signal Course
6-16 Sun 
6-20 Thu 5:00 PM
Course #0
6-23 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
6-27 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
6-30 Sun
2;00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
7-04 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
7-07 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
7-18 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
7-21 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
7-25 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
7-28 Sun 10:30 AM Rendezvous to Tarpaulin Cove
8-1 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
8-4 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
8-8 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
8-11 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
8-15 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
8-18 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
8-22 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
8-25 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
8-29 Thu 5:00 PM Course #0
9-1 Sun 2:00 PM Course #1-9 Depending on Conditions
9-7 Sat Moffett Race
Sailing Instructions
Starting line: When the wind is southerly allowing a beat into the Harbor toward Nun 6, the starting area may be moved 0.5 nautical miles downwind from Nun 6. When the committee is so stationed, the starting line will be between a staff displaying a flag in the committee boat and a brightly colored drop buoy. Otherwise the starting line will be between a staff displaying a flag in the committee boat and NUN 6 (or other mark designated by the committee when code flag L is displayed. When the wind is southerly allow sufficient time to find the committee boat.
Nun 6 as a windward mark: When the starting line is approximately 0.5 nautical miles North or Northeast of Nun 6 the committee will not be required to designate a rounding direction for Nun 6. If the Starting line is set on the West Chop side of the ferry channel, all boats will keep N6 to Port when rounding after the first windward leg. With the starting line set to the East Chop side of the ferry channel, all boats will keep N6 to starboard when rounding after the first windward leg. Subsequent roundings of N6 will be according to the sailing instructions. However, the right of way rules always apply and all skippers are warned to act accordingly when encountering other boats that may or may not have started.
Courses: The committee boat will display which number course is selected. When the starting line is set to use Nun 6 as the first mark, the length of the course will be adjusted by the scorer to reflect the increase in distance sailed.
Course 0: The following triangular course goes around the harbor once. Start at Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port or Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above) and then sail, to Red Nun 4 off West Chop, to Can 23a off East chop, Back to Red Nun 6 to finish between Nun 6 and Committee Boat. Distance 3.2 miles. Leave all marks to starboard unless Reverse Flag is flying.
Course 1: The following triangular course goes around the harbor twice. Start at Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above) and then sail, to Red Nun 4 off West Chop, to Can 23a off East chop, Back to Red Nun 6 and then back to Red Nun 4 off West Chop, and Can 23a off East chop. Finish between Nun 6 and Committee Boat. Distance 6.4 miles. Leave all marks to starboard unless Reverse Flag is flying.
Course 2: Start at Red Nun 6 at Harbor entrance (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above), and then sail to RG Nun at Hedge Fence (leave to port), to Red Nun 4 off West Chop (leave to port), to Can 23a off East Chop (leave to starboard), to finish between committee boat and Red Nun 6. Distance 6.5 miles. (Nun 4 is to be honored on its proper hand as a navigation mark unless designated as a course turning mark). Watch for Reverse Flag!
Course 3: Start at Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above), and then sail to Red Nun 4 (Leave to port), to Red Bell 2 (Leave to Starboard), to RG Nun (Leave to Starboard), to Green Bell 23 (leave to starboard), to Green Can 23A (leave to port). Finish between Red Nun 6 and the committee boat. Distance 6.4 miles. Watch for Reverse Flag!
Course 4: Start between Committee Boat and Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above) and then leave Red Nun 4 to port. Leave RG buoy west end of Hedge Fence to port. Leave Can 15 west of L'Homme Dieu to starboard. Round R2 bell off Waquoit Bay to port. Leave Can 15 west of L’Homme Dieu to port. Leave RG buoy west end of Hedge Fence to starboard. Regard Red Nun 4. Finish between Vineyard Haven Red Nun 6 and the committee boat. Distance 11.6 miles.
Course 5: Start between Committee Boat and Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above). Leave Red Nun 4 to port. Round Red Nun “14” off Great Pond to port. Leave Falmouth R “16” Bell to port. Regard Red Nun 4. Finish between Vineyard Haven Red Nun 6 and the committee boat. Distance 10.1 miles. Watch for Reverse Flag!
Course 6: Start between Committee Boat and Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above). Leave Red Nun 4 to Port. Leave G Bell "27" at the west end of middle ground to port. Regard Red Nun 4 and finish between Vineyard Haven Red Nun 6 and the Committee Boat. Distance 11.1 miles.
Course 7: Start at Red Nun 6 at Harbor entrance (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above), and then sail to Red Nun 4 off West Chop (leave to starboard), then to Can 23a off East Chop (leave to port), to Bell R-2 off West Chop (leave to Starboard), then to Gong 23 off East Chop (leave to port), to RG Nun at Hedge Fence (leave to port), then to finish between committee boat and Red Nun 6. Distance 9.4 miles. (Nun 4 and 23a are to be honored on their proper hand as a navigation mark unless designated as a course turning mark). Watch for Reverse Flag!
Course 8: Start at Red Nun 6 at Harbor entrance (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above). Leave C "23A" and G “23” Bell off East Chop to starboard; leave GR Bell, east end of Squash Meadow to starboard; R "2" Bell off Edgartown Harbor to starboard; both G “23” Bell and C "23A" off East Chop to port. Regard N “4” and C “23A” at all times. Finish between Committee Boat and Red Nun 6. Nominal distance: 10.1 nm. Watch for Reverse Flag!
Course 9: Start at Red Nun 6 at Harbor entrance (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port of Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above). Leave Nun "4" to port then Can "C 25" to port; Leave " 26" (Nobska) to starboard, "C 15" (L’Homme Dieu) to starboard, "RGN" (Hedge Fence) to starboard and then finish at Nun "6". Nominal distance: 10.8 nm. Watch for Reverse Flag!
Rendezvous at Tarpaulin Cove: Start between Committee Boat and Red Nun 6 (or at a drop buoy and then sail to Nun 6 and leave to Port or Starboard as instructed under "Nun 6 as a windward mark" above). Leave Red Nun 4 to port. Finish between the Coast Guard mooring or a nearby drop buoy and the committee boat. Distance 8.5 miles. Raft together in a circle for lunch.
Reverse Course: Each of the preceding courses, except numbers 4 and 6, may be sailed in reverse. Watch for red flag with yellow cross (Code Flag R). When the starting line is set to use Nun 6 as the first mark the reversal of direction only applies to the order of marks after getting to Nun 6 the first time.
Finish Line: The finish line will be between a staff displaying a flag in the committee boat and the finishing mark. If the committee boat is not on station, racers are asked to take their own time as they pass between the VHYC dock and Nun 6 within 100 feet of and to the west of the Nun.
Starting Signals: Watch the Flags - Do not depend on the sound signals. Start may be delayed to let ferries pass.
Time to go
Visual signal

Warning 5 Minutes to start
HHSA flag Displayed
1 Sound
Preparatory 4 Minutes to start
Preparatory flag (code flag P)
1 Sound
1 Minute 1 minute to start Preparatory flag (P) lowered
1 Sound
Start Start
HHSA flag lowered
1 Sound
Pursuit Start: For 2024 Season, there will be no Pursuit Starts.
Recall: Individual recalls will be signaled in accordance with Racing Rule 29 (Code Flag X, blue cross on white field). The race committee will also attempt to hail the boat’s sail number or name. The Penalty for failing to start properly is 15 minutes. In, addition, the Race Committee may hail the sail number(s) of recalled boat(s) on VHF channel 73 and/or by loudhailer.
General recall: When the committee is unable to identify the boats that are on the course side of the starting line, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the committee may signal a general recall (display the First Substitute with two sounds. The warning signal for the new start shall be made one minute after the First Substitute is removed.
Postponements: Before the starting signal the committee may postpone by displaying the"AP" flag (red with two vertical, white stripes) with two sounds. The next warning signal may take place 1 minute after “AP” is removed.
Shortened Course: The race committee at its discretion, may shorten the course by finishing the race at any prescribed turning mark by anchoring, displaying code flag “S” and firing two guns. The turning mark will on same hand as in the course description, the committee boat on the other.
Abandonment: To abandon the race the committee will display code flag “N” ( blue and white check) with three sounds.
Time Limit: If no boat in a division has finished after three hours (Harbor Race, courses 1-3) or four hours (Sound or Rendezvous Race, courses 4-9) or 1 and 1/2 hours (Course #0) then the race in that division is canceled. In the event the committee boat has left station, boats are then to take their own finish time and report to the race committee as soon as possible.
Rules: Holmes Hole races are be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 and these Sailing Instructions.
Autopilot use: Autopilots may be used by short-handed boats to facilitate sail handling, navigation and good seamanship. This changes rule 52. They may not be used when a crew member or skipper is otherwise available and capable of steering the boat.
Power Trimming of Sails: Battery or other power may be used for sail trim, rig adjustment and autopilot use. This changes rule 52.
Penalties: Rule 44 shall apply. A boat that has touched a mark shall take a one turn (one tack and one gybe) penalty or a two turn (two tacks and two gybes) penalty for other rule violations. Penalty turns must be completed out of the way of other boats as soon as possible after the infraction.
Scoring and Awards: First-place coffee cup will be awarded for each race. The High-Point Scoring System will apply for the season’s awards which in 2023 will apply to Sunday's racing and Thursday's. The best score of 60% of completed races will be scored for the seasons' standings.
Restrictions: No spinnakers or loose-luffed sails. No use of engines after the preparatory signal for propulsion. No interference with passenger ferries which have the right of way!
Safety Requirements: Life-Saving Equipment and Personal Buoyancy: Rule 1.2 shall apply. The HHSA Life Jacket Policy requires that life jackets be worn at all times. Please notify the Committee boat if leaving the race area with the intention of not completing the race. (Channel 73). Insofar as the Committee boat will not be patrolling the race course, all racers are encouraged to carry a VHF radio and to hail a fellow racer or the committee boat if a safety problem should arise.
Race Committee: The race committee boat will normally be Vineyard Haven Yacht Club's Vigilant, or Guardian. The committee normally monitors Channel 73 for emergency purposes. For rendezvous races we may use a member's boat. The committees are in complete command of the races at all times. Please do not disturb them by asking for information while they are anchored on the line! Theirs is a very demanding operation.
Protests: Protests are to be made in accordance with the Racing Rules of Sailing. If you believe your competitor has infringed any rule or instruction, a protest may be made by showing a protest signal (red flag or cloth) in the starboard rigging. This is to be done at the earliest possible moment after the event, and is to be carried until finished racing, advising the race committee of the protest at the finish. Note that the rules require you to hail “Protest” at the first reasonable opportunity, possibly allowing the Protestee to exonerate himself if he chooses. The protest shall be presented, preferably written, at the get-together after the race. You must try to inform the protested boat of your intent to protest at the time of the incident. Both protester and protested must be represented at the hearing, with witnesses if possible. If this is not possible, then mail your protest to the race committee within 24 hours after the race. The protest will be heard and judged by the Protest Committee, consisting of officers of the association.
There is no stigma in protesting what you believe that a boat has made a real infringement and has not done its penalty turns in accordance with rule 44. This is the traditional way of keeping the sport clean and friendly.
VIOLATION OF “FERRY” CHANNEL A racing boat that causes any Steamship Authority vessel, or other large commercial vessel, south of a line at the mouth of the harbor drawn from Mark RN 4 to Mark 23A to alter course, slow down, back down, or that passes in front of such vessels and does not yield them right of way, or which in the judgment of the Race Committee passes to close shall be disqualified without protest hearing. This changes RRS 35 and A4.1.
Competitors participate in the Holmes Hole Races entirely at their own risk. See Racing Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority, its members, agents, employees or representatives nor the Race Committee will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the event, and will not provide emergency towing or rescue vessels or services in connection with the races.
Association Officers for 2024
Tom Wescott
Cell: 781-361-2707
Roger Becker Vice Commodore &
Race Committee Chairman 627 8720 Cell: 774-310-0023
Wendell Colson Secretary, Treasurer Cell: 508 878 9061
Steve Besse Rear Commodore 693 0696
Cell: 203-215-6786
Laurie Welch
Fleet Captain
Jerry Goodale First Officer 693 2565
Alan Wilson
Second Officer
Mo Flam Third Officer 687-9479 Cell: 551-358-1449
Adam Hayes Fourth Officer Cell: 508-958-4041